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        Tyson Morgan is the main principal of one of the top architectural firms in the United States. The Morgan Architectural Firm, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, developed groundbreaking concepts that produced modern structures all over the world. A "principal," is a licensed architect who is the sole proprietor of a firm, or one who shares an ownership interest with the architects of the firm.


Meet Mr. Tyson Morgan
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       Tyson knew from a very young age that architecture was in his future. He discovered that block play was a meaningful learning tool. Building blocks influenced Tyson's current modern architectural style. Tyson graduated high school as the valedictorian and delivered an inspirational speech outlining the structures of the future. His vision of the future of architecture left no doubt in the minds of the audience that this young man was heading towards greatness.


Meet Mr. Tyson Morgan
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Read the above paragraphs to answer the questions for ITD: SC 1. A Google Document is attached in Google Classroom to enter your answers.

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 A Google Document is attached in Google Classroom to enter your toys that would  inspire young budding architects.

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